Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Project Update #1

Well I have assembled, primed, and painted the core of the RX-78-5. The first set of WIP pics are just seam line fills after sanding.

I am going with a more military style paint scheme do to the dio Helgar and I am working on. This color scheme is from the Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard.  The colors are Citadel Acrylics and are: Catachan Green, Kommando Khaki, and Codex Grey. The dark main part of the core is actually just Dupli-color Hot Rod Grey primer, but IMO i thought it was a good fit so heck....I left it as is. Below is picture of the painted core.

Well that is all for this update, is late and I need so sleep! Later.

Forgot to mention that the RX-78-5 is thanks to my wife Michelle, she bought it for me to do on this project so want to say Thanks babe for supporting my hobby, LOVE YA!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Well, I'm about to start work on the MG RX-78-5 Gundam kit for the group build dio with Helgar. Time to buckle down and get going......he is coming to house in an hour!!!!! haha. Not sure if I want to try my hand at any mods to this kit yet but has crossed my mind to try to do something with the shield....but we will see. Anyway hope to have WIP pics loaded on next update.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

"The Project"

Well, has been a while since I have done anything with this blog so figured what better time to start than NOW! With that said, lets get into what this is all about, THE PROJECT. Recently I had an idea to join forces with a buddy of mine, and fellow hobbiest, Helgar to do a diorama. You can view some of his work from his site Helgar's House of Minis.

We had our first planned meeting today of what ideas we had and what direction we wanted this thing to go in. After a little back and forth we came up with an idea that we feel will project a story in the diorama the best. We have done dio's in the past solo but never as a team so this will be a learning experience for us, but should be loads of fun.

This dio will have Gundam and Warhammer 40k elements to it. I will be constructing the MG RX-78-5 gundam kit and Helgar will be working on Imperial Guard squad.

Well that is really all the info I have right now, but will keep posting about progress and will post WIP pics when I can. (I am terrible about posting pics!!)
