Sunday, April 15, 2012

One last post before vacation

Well I am still working on the RX for the group build with Helgar, but since I have been busy with all last minute things you have to do before a 2 week vacation I didnt want to really get back into project until I get back. So with that being said I did a little Photoshop painting to give myself color scheme ideas for FAZZ I will be working on next. The line art is not my own, and since I just took it from Google I cant credit the artist but whoever you are, thanks!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

As promised, here are some pics of the completed arm. Decided to go with a Citadel Gunbolt Metal as base and then Citadel Chainmail top coat on the joint and hand to give some contrast to the color scheme. It is not huge contrast, but worked better then the dark grey imo.


Well been a little bit since last update. Been busy and when I did have free time, honestly didnt feel like working on the Gundam. I have fisnished one of the arms just dont have an updates pics at this time but will load some once I get chance. Not sure how much will get done this week either as my wife and I are getting ready to go to Europe for 2 weeks on vacation. We will be in Germany, Italy, and France before we come back to the states. Can't wait, been 2yrs since our last vacation so it is WELL NEEDED!!!

On another note, ran my first 5K yesterday. Did pretty good for first time out, I finished in 34min and my wife finished in 35min. We had a lot of fun and look to do another one soon.
